Story Category: world tour
Delphi-tage 2011, Cologne

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Delphi Reddit
- Introducing Delphi Programming 4th Edition - Greatest Learning Resource
- Creating android apps for older devices
- Unable to Modify Working Type-Library File in Delphi 2007 or Delphi 11+
- Delphi 2007 COM+ MTS Server\Client application Work on Windows Server 2012, and NOT on 2019!
- Need advice, starting a mobile app
Delphi PRAXiS
Embarcadero GetIt
- CMake
CMake is the most common C++ build system. This edition provides support for the Windows 64-bit […]
- RDGoogleAI
GoogleAI API as a Delphi component - simply dropped onto a form. Event based, asynchronous. All you […]
- Ribbon Classic Controls
This is a set of VCL Controls that match the MS Office 2007 User Interface specification. Note that […]
- AndroidSDK-NDK
SDK Tools is a downloadable package that installs required tools for Android development, in […]
- RDOpenAI
Delphi component for ChatGPT, event based, asynchronous.