One of the most basic principles on Windows, in order to prevent malware, is that you trust your software provider. There are many trust mechanisms, including driver signing, website signing, remembering whether a file was… … Read more
15 years ago in android, iphone, javascript, native code, sandbox, web, windows0
Lately, many have started to use their phone for tasks, for which they previously used a PC – including updating online spreadsheets etc. The PC features much better input and output devices (keyboard, mouse, screen),… … Read more
15 years ago in android, microsoft0
There have been many blog posts about the new iPhone 4.0 SDK which do not like section 3.3.1 of the developer license agreement, which says: 3.3.1 — Applications may only use Documented APIs in the… … Read more
15 years ago in android, apple, iphone0
With the major part of my background in Delphi, but also some in C, C++, Assembler, Java, C# and others, I threw myself at the Android platform in order to figure out how it works…. … Read more
15 years ago in android, Delphi, google, java0