Fix a Flutter Package - Null Safety


If you want to get involved in open source and give a little back to the people that make all those great flutter packages then migrating a package to null safety is simple and easy way to help out. While most of the major packages have been migrated you may see one that hasn’t and it may be the one you need. Here’s my three step migration guide.

Check the github and see that someone else wants it. You’ll often see comments like this one.

  1. Fork and checkout the package. Run “dart migrate” or follow the full guide. Check your code back in.

  2. Comment on the original post that you have done it. Post a link to your fork.

Finally and maybe the most important. Listen to the community and see what the next steps are, you may have done enough or there may be more to do, either way you’ve gone something and have joined the Flutter community.