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Results of the poll: HIW LIVE

I just wanted to give brief feedback on the results of the poll from the beginning of this month. It has become very much clear looking at the results that there is little interest in LIVE HIW seminars with the opportunity to ask questions.

Three facts about the results

  • First, as both LinkedIn and Twitter report the number of reads and interactions to authors, I have a pretty good understanding how many people read the post and had the opportunity to participate.

  • Second, less than 1% decided to participate. That gives me a pretty good indication of how big or how little interest there is in LIVE seminars.

  • Finally, of the people particpating, almost half would only be interested if it was offered for free. This would require looking for sponsors for every single event.


In conclusion, this feedback has led me to believe that the Delphi community rather prefers content that is pre-recorded and can be studied at their own pace with their own schedule in mind.

A big thank you to the developers who participated.